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Learning how to write

Have you ever come across a manual of furniture and tried to read and do it yourself? How successful were you in accomplishing it without damaging the product? If the answer is Yes..! then, you got really a good manual. What if your answer is No? Then, definitely the information was not helpful or didn’t let you understand properly how to complete the task. It was difficult for you to understand the information provided.

Technical writing is not that easy as it sounds. The reader reads the technical information out of necessity. If the information is scattered, irrelevant, and hard to understand, the reader can get frustrated if they cannot complete the task. It becomes very important for the companies to maintain and retain their customers using their services/products. Document plays crucial role between business and understanding of its products. Hence, a good quality document is a must.

The only purpose of technical writer is to help their user achieve the purpose through their document. If the user is able to do so effortlessly, your goal is achieved.

Similarly, in software industry, the purpose of document is to tell the user why of the product, explain the tidbits of product, let the user complete the task seamlessly without any hassle.

In order to achieve that goal, you should try to inculcate following parameters in your writing. And they can be:

  • Analyzing your Audience
  • Analyzing the Product Requirement
  • Learning enough English
  • Gathering Information for Documentation
  • Helping User Complete the Task
  • Arranging Information in a Structured Way
  • Testing and Editing the Documentation